martes, 24 de enero de 2017

'Silk Road' train from China reaches London

A train full of Chinese goods has arrived in London after making a trip halfway across the world.
This is the first freight train from China's Zhejiang province to Britain and it is hoped it will be the start of a new trade route from China, emulating the ancient Silk Road of more than 2,000 years ago.

2 comentarios:

  1. Este es el futuro ... La nueva Ruta de la Seda ... En nuestro pais, la cooperacion con China en su esquema "Una Ruta, una Franja", se da a través del proyecto Ferrovia TRanscontinental Pacifico Atlantico Brasil PEru, FETAB, en especial. Ver entraga en el blog:

  2. La entrada se puede compartir, amigos, sin problema
